Benefits of Green Alkaline Plant Foods

green leafy plant foods are healthy
 Research done by doctors and scientists around the globe has proven that what your grandmother has always said. Tons of research reveals that eating lots of green alkaline plant foods every day has beneficial effects on cholesterol, blood pressure, immune response, and cancer prevention. Well, grandma didn’t quite put it in these terms but she knew she was right! These positive disease-fighting effects are attributed in part to their high concentrations of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll, the phytochemical that gives leaves, green alkaline plants, and algae their green hues, is the plant equivalent of the oxygen-carrying red pigment hemoglobin in red blood cells. Dietary chlorophyll inhibits disease bacteria and helps diminish the effects of bad breath and internal odors.

 So you now know that you are supposed to eat at least a couple of servings or more of green vegetables every day. So what can you eat that will provide a good amount of chlorophyll? Good question. While all green alkaline plants contain chlorophyll, some vegetables contain particularly high amounts of total chlorophyll.

 All green alkaline vegetables – asparagus, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green cabbage, celery, collard greens, green beans, green peas, kale, leeks, green olives, parsley, romaine lettuce, sea vegetables, spinach, Swiss chard, and turnip greens are concentrated sources of chlorophyll. Most of these veggies are alkaline and provide a great source of nutrition for your body.


 Benefits of eating green foods high in Chlorophyll:

   1. They essentially have the same effects in the body as iron, so it can build our own blood naturally.
2. Catabolic and anabolic at the same time, plant foods high in chlorophyll are a powerful detoxifier. It cleanses the blood and builds red blood cells while doing it!
3. Most plant foods composition contains calcium. It is highly useful for people as well as some animals with arthritis and bone diseases.
4. Chlorophyll can help chronic conditions both internally and externally, and stop the growth and development of toxic bacteria.
5. Chlorophyll removes toxins from the bones, blood tissues, and intestines.
6. Chlorophyll helps to thicken and strengthen the walls of the cells and is also a nutritional aid for the immune system.
7. Green alkaline plant foods are high in chlorophyll helps to neutralize and remove toxins.
8. Chlorophyll also works in purifying the liver, eliminating old toxic material, and deodorizing the bowels and the entire body.
9. In the colon, chlorophyll helps keep the colon healthy by destroying disease -causing bacteria.
10. It works well in eliminating body odors, abscesses, and other skin sores in people as well as animals.
11. It’s a great help for digestive problems, constipation, or diarrhea.

Science has been revealing concrete evidence supporting the consumption of dark green leafy plant foods. Findings appear in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry stating University of Connecticut researchers reporting news after studying broccoli and heart health in rats. The scientists made a broccoli extract and fed it to rats for a month along with their regular rat chow. For comparison, they fed other rats water instead of the broccoli extract in addition to their regular diet.

After feeding the rats broccoli extract or extra water for 30 days, the scientists tested the rats’ hearts. Some of those tests deprived the heart of oxygen, similar to a heart attack. The rats that had eaten the broccoli extract had three heart advantages over the other rats. First, they had better blood-pumping ability. Second, they had less heart damage during oxygen deprivation. Third, there were higher levels of heart-health chemicals during oxygen deprivation. This is the advantage of eating a diet high in antioxidants.

What is ORAC?

Foods that score high in an antioxidant analysis called ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) may protect cells and their components from oxidative damage. Many of the early findings on this subject suggest that eating plenty of high-ORAC fruits and vegetables–such as spinach and other green leafy plant foods –may help slow aging in both body and brain.

The studies reveal that eating plenty of high-ORAC foods:

  • Raised the antioxidant power of human blood 10 to 25 percent.
  • Prevented some loss of long-term memory and learning ability in middle-aged rats.
  • Maintained the ability of brain cells in middle-aged rats to respond to a chemical stimulus–a function that normally decreases with age.
  • Protected rats’ tiny blood vessels–capillaries–against oxygen damage.

It is believed that foods higher on the ORAC scale will more effectively “handcuff” free radicals. According to theory, this will slow the oxidative processes and free radical damage that can cause age-related degeneration and disease. Green leafy plant foods are high ORAC foods!


 NEWS FLASH: These ain’t your Grandma’s veggies… 

One of the reasons that you require an abundance of green alkaline plant foods is because the soil is less mineralized than it was many decades ago. You simply have to eat more and possibly still take supplements.

In 1948 you could buy spinach that had 158 milligrams of iron per hundred grams.

By 1965, the maximum had dropped to 27 milligrams.

In 1973 it was averaging 2.2. That means you would have to eat 75 bowls of spinach to get the same amount of iron that one bowl might have given you back in 1948. Choose organic produce when possible to maximize your odds of getting real nutrition in your vegetables.

Boost Nutrient Uptake with a High Alkaline Diet!